As of 23 June 2011, Jack Armistead has retired from the Tennessee Technological University, where he was Provost. He will teach at TTU for one more year before moving to Athens, Georgia to be near his grandchildren. There he hopes to revive some of his long-dormant scholarly activities.

Lisa Berglund (English, Buffalo State University) was awarded a Cordell Collection Fellowship, which took her to Indiana State for two weeks to work with materials in the Cordell Collection of Dictionaries. She examined 127 Federalist-era dictionaries for her project "Secular Bibles: Annotations in Early American Dictionaries." She then presented that research-in-progress (observations of 190 dictionaries in four collections) at the Dictionary Society of North America biennial meeting in Montreal 8-11 June.

Plymouth State University in Plymouth, NH has created a new department:  the Department of History and Philosophy.  It houses the history, philosophy, and social studies teacher certification degrees. Marcia Schmidt Blaine (History and Philosophy, Plymouth State University) spent a month at the University of Winchester in May 2011 as part of a professorial exchange.

Michael Chornesky has completed a year-long internship through the Student Conservation Association at Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial.  He is now working at Arlington House for the summer as a seasonal hire with the National Park Service.  In August he will begin Ph.D. study in History at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Eleanor Courtemanche (English, University of Illinois) is the author of The 'Invisible Hand' and British Fiction, 1818-1860: Adam Smith, Political Economy, and the Genre of Realism (Palgrave, 2011).

Andrew Curran (French, Wesleyan University) is the co-winner of this year's James L. Clifford prize in eighteenth century studies for his “Rethinking Race History: The Role of the Albino in the French Enlightenment Life Sciences,� which was published in History and Theory in 2009. He also has an article entitled “Buffon et l'Afrique� forthcoming in Dix-Huitième siècle.  Professor Curran was also recently named Dean of Arts and Humanities at Wesleyan University.

Margaretmary Daley (German, Case Western) is the author of “A Woman's Work is Never Done: Gendered Laboring in Faust, Part II,â€� in Robert F. Anderson and Christopher R. Clason, eds.,  Literary and Poetic Representations of Work and Labor in Europe and Asia During the Romantic Era (Edwin Mellen, 2011).

Christopher Fauske (English, Salem State University) has published A Political Biography of William King (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2011).

Todd Gilman (Sterling Memorial Library, Yale) has published several articles in the past year: “David Garrick's Masque of King Arthur with Thomas Arne's Score (1770)� in Interrogating King Arthur: Essays in Criticism. Eds. Caryl Clark and Brian Corman. A Special Issue of Restoration: Studies in English Literary Culture 34.1-2 (Fall/Spring 2010-11); “Academic/Research Librarians with Subject Doctorates: Experiences and Perceptions, 1965-2006� in portal: Libraries and the Academy 10.4 (2010), co-authored with Thea Lindquist; “A Gentle Reminder to Special-Collections Curators� in The Chronicle of Higher Education April 29, 2010; “Designing Effective Online Assignments� in The Chronicle of Higher Education March 22, 2010; and “Combating Myths about Distance Education� in The Chronicle of Higher Education February 22, 2010.

Vasiliki Grigoropoulou (Philosophy, University of Athens) is the author of ‘Translations of Spinoza in Greece,’ Intellectual News (16), Review of the Intellectual Society for Intellectual History, London 2010; and of the article ‘From Spinoza to Rousseau: From the Geometrical Ethics to the Concept of the Moral Subject,’ Philosophia (41), Academy of Athens 2011.  She has also delivered four Conference papers:  ‘Horizontal and vertical causation in Descartes’ Physics,’ at the Hellenic Conference on the Philosophy of Science, University of Athens, 15-17 October 2010;  ‘Du développement de la conscience chez Spinoza,’ at the Symposium Coscienza nel pensiero filosofico della prima modernità, ILIESI, Sapienza Università di Roma,  12-13 Novembre 2010 ;  ‘Re-interpretations of the evil in the Philosophy of the Enlightenment:  From Spinoza to Rousseau’, at the Interdisciplinary Conference: Notions of the Evil, Panteion University, Athens, 16-18 December 2010;  ‘Affects and self-consciousness in Spinoza,’ at the 11th Conference of the Intellectual Society for Intellectual History, Passionate Minds. Knowledge and the Emotions in Intellectual History, Central University Library, Bucharest, 26-28 May 2011.  She has also completed the Greek edition of Descartes’ Principia Philosophiae (translation-introduction-commentary), scheduled for publication by Ekkremes, Athens 2011.

Zeina Hakim (French, Tufts University) was a Visiting Professor at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) in the Spring 2011. Her book Fictions déjouées. Le récit en trompe-l’œil au XVIIIe siècle is forthcoming (Droz, 2012). She has recently published on Rousseau and George Sand (George Sand Studies, 2011), Courtilz de Sandras (La Partie et le tout, Peeters, 2011), Diderot’s Salons (Penser l’art dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIe siècle, ed. Académie de France à Rome et Somogy, 2011), and Louise Labé (Approaches to Teaching World Literature, MLA Series, 2011).

Jocelyn Harris (University of Otego, New Zealand) has recently published "Jane Austen and Celebrity Culture:  Shakespeare, Dorothy Jordan and Elizabeth Bennet," in Shakespeare 6:4 (December 2010); “Jane Austenâ€� in the Cambridge Com­panion to English Novelists, ed. Adrian Poole (CUP, 2009); and “Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Parkâ€� in the second edition of the Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen, eds Juliet McMaster and Edward Copeland (CUP, 2010).  Her review of Lynn Shepherd, “Clarissa's Painter,â€� appeared in the TLS on 25 February 2011. â€œPhilosophy and Sexual Politics in Mary Austell and Samuel Richardsonâ€� will appear next year in Intellectual History Review (Rutledge).  In March 2011, she chaired a panel on “Jane Austen and Celebrity Cultureâ€� at the ASECS meeting in Vancouver and contributed to a panel discussion on the new abridged Clarissa from Broadview. In early July, she will present “Jane Austen, the Duke of Clarence, and the Hot­ten­tot Venusâ€� at the David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies in Melbourne.  Her monograph, A Revolution Almost beyond Expression: Jane Austen's "Persuasion" (Delaware UP, 2007), is still being reprinted, as is her original edition of Richardson's Sir Charles Grandison (OUP, 1972), available from the Otago University Press.  Each of the three parts may be ordered separately. Contact

For his contribution to a recent volume on Weimar Classicism, ed. David Gallagher, (Lewiston, Queenston, Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010), Dennis Mahoney’s essay “On the Periphery of Weimar Classicism: Passion, Patriarchy, and Political Machinations in Caroline von Wolzogen’s Agnes von Lilien (1797) and Barbara Honigmann’s Eine Liebe aus nichts (1991)â€� interprets Honigmann’s autobiographical, “Second Generationâ€� novel–translated by John Barrett as A Love Made of Nothing (Boston: Verba Mundi, 2003)–as a response to the question as to whether there is such a thing as a German-Jewish identity, while also situating it in the context of a response to some of the central works of Weimar Classicism, as undertaken by Schiller's sister-in-law at the end of the eighteenth century. A similar linking of past and present is his essay "Maria Stuart Adaptations in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries: From 'Classical' Parodies to Contemporary Politics" in the volume Who is this Schiller Now? Essays on His Reception and Significance, ed. Jeffrey L. High, Nicholas Martin, and Norbert Oellers (Rochester: Camden House, 2011).

Sean Moore (English, University of New Hampshire) has been awarded the 2010 Donald Murphy Prize for Distinguished First Book from the American Conference for Irish Studies for Swift, the Book, and the Irish Financial Revolution:  Satire and Sovereignty in Colonial Ireland (Johns Hopkins UP, 2010).  Professor Moore has recently been appointed Director of the University Honors Program at the University of New Hampshire. 

Mira Morgenstern (Political Science, CUNY) has been having a productive sabbatical.  She presented a paper to the Departmental Seminar at Bar Ilan University entitled “Strangeness and Enlightenment in a post-Enlightenment World:  Deconstructing Power and the Quest for Self.â€�  She also presented a major paper at the International Conference on Religion and State at Bar Ilan at the end of May 2011 on “Religion and State:  The View from Enlightenment.â€�

Maureen E. Mulvihill (Princeton Research Forum, NJ) is the author of â€œIreland’s Second Cityâ€�, on the history of Belfast (Irish Literary Supplement, Spring 2011), and “Emma Donoghueâ€� (Canadian Encyclopedia, 2011). Dr Mulvihill’s attribution of the ‘Ephelia' texts to Mary Villiers Stuart, Duchess of Richmond, is now acknowledged in 'Ephelia' records at the BL, EEBO, ESTC, The Orlando Project (British women writers), and Americana Exchange (record LO 4408-219), a respected subscription database for rare book dealers & collectors. Her comments on attribution methodology are at ESTC Testimonials (2010). Her essay on the death of  Virginia Woolf  was displayed with the Kohler Literary Portraits show in Vancouver, Chicago, and Cork, Ireland. For EEBO Introductions (2012), she is at work on Thomas Dawks II, a King’s Printer and business associate of Royalist bookseller Henry Brome, as the unrecorded printer of Mary Villiers’s poem to Charles II on the Popish Plot (ESTC R218925). While in Sarasota, Florida, she organized a first-ever â€˜Bloomsday' event (June 16th), honoring Joyce’s Ulysses  (illustrated notice).

John C. O'Neal (French, Hamilton College) has published The Progressive Poetics of Confusion in the French Enlightenment (Newark:  University of Delaware Press, 2011). 

Elizabeth Powers (Independent Scholar) will present a lecture entitled “Free Speech:  The History of an Idea� at the New York Public Library in August, 2011.  Her book with the same title is forthcoming from Bucknell University Press.  At the Goethe Society conference in Chicago in November, Dr. Powers will chair a session on Goethe and world literature.

John Richetti (English, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania) will be resident in London for the next five months thanks to a Mellon Emeritus Fellowship, doing research in the British Library on the topic “Performance and 18th-Century English Poetry.�

Erik R. Seeman (History, SUNY at Buffalo) has published The Huron-Wendat Feast of the Dead: Indian-European Encounters in Early North America (Johns Hopkins, 2011), and has just begun a three-year term as Director of the University at Buffalo's Humanities Institute.

Michael Suarez (English, University of Virginia), a past president and current board member of NEASECS, was featured in an NPR story about the Rare Book School at the University of Virginia, of which Professor Suarez is the director.  The story is available at

Jennifer Thorn (English, St. Anselm College) gave the paper “Sex, Progress, and the Navy: Boys and Men in Eighteenth-Century Naval Courts Martial and Children's Literature� at the annual meeting of the international Society for the History of Childhood and Youth in New York City, June 2011. 

Howard Weinbrot (English, University of Wisconsin, Madison) is organizing a two day symposium at the Huntington Library, 9-10 September 2011. The working title is “Samuel Johnson: New Contexts for a New Century.�  There will be eleven speakers on major topics concerning Johnson's art, life, and reputation.  In 2012 the Huntington Library Press will publish these expanded papers together with five other essays on various Johnsonian matters. A full program and registration form will be available later this summer.

Kari Winter (American Studies, SUNY at Buffalo) has just published The American Dreams of John B. Prentis, Slave Trader (University of Georgia Press, 2011), a biography that places the slave trader in the political, cultural, and familial contexts that shaped him.

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